Sam Corlett

Graphic Designer & Illustrator


Wot’s Your Journey?

Wot’s Your Journey, a Wotif campaign, delves into the motivations behind Aussie holiday preferences, exploring the factors influencing destination choices like family or music interests and why Australians love to travel.

As part of the creative team, my role encompassed branding, content creation, and providing support to the video department through animation and illustrations.

I played a key role in shaping the campaign’s visual identity, starting with the creation of a hero lock-up that served as the centerpiece of the branding. Additionally, I developed five sub category lock-ups to highlight the primary reasons driving travel decisions.

I developed custom illustrations, icons and animation to enhance the campaign’s visual appeal across social media, website assets and digital banners. I also designed the end of study report booklet, composing together imagery, copy and custom illustrations into an engaging document.

Through engaging visuals and compelling storytelling, Wot’s Your Journey successfully shed light on the diverse motivations behind Aussie travel preferences. By translating insights into visually appealing content, we captured audience attention and fostered meaningful engagement with the campaign.

Work done at Edelman.